Feb 15, 2007

i'm gay

two little words. 5 small letterS. so why is it so damn hard to say?!


S.B. said...
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S.B. said...

You don't say?????

Sh@ney said...

You will find the right time & place to be comfortable with who you are...Ask yourself why you stay closed to the topic. Are you fearful of rejection? Are you ashamed of your sexuality? Scared what others may think if they new? I waited too long to accpet ME for ME, and I regret the lost years playing it straight so the world would not think any less of me...It took my life to hit the bottom of the shitpile before I realised what a fool I was to hide behind a life that I so much wanted to live FREELY. Being gay is not condemned like it once was & society is slowly starting to accept what is becoming so large - Gay Communities. You wont be comfortable telling your family & friends until you are comfortable with yourself. Be proud remember no one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent...xoxo

FunkyJew82 said...

because once say those words... you can't take them back. you don't know what kind of repercussions those words may cause. scarey huh? it's just the not knowing how people will react, or what will happen next thats kind of frightening.

in it's right time buddy.

jabberin said...

something I've asked myself time and time again...

Jefferson said...

And I ask myself . . . how is it that I've only now discovered your blog? Please discover mine.

JUSTIN said...

The first time those words left my mouth, I cried. The second time, I laughed. It gets easier, trust me.

Nate said...

I tried Gay Men's Boot Camp few weeks ago. I liked it a lot. This program gets you in a great shape. I started recently and I already feel and see the effects. AWESOME